The Sportsman's Arms

The Sportsman’s Arms’ was the only pub in North Dean. An earlier beer shop was given a licence in 1852. There were various landlords until 1897 when John Hatt, then 22, took over. He remained landlord until the ‘Sportsman’ was closed in 1956. It had a 6-day licence and a reputation for being ‘a very friendly, family place’. It was small; with 6 or 7 in the parlour and 8 in the tap room it was full!

During the Second War it was the Battalion HQ Mess for the 4th Bucks Battalion, Home Guard (‘good well cooked food was provided’ – by Alice Smith) and the alternative Battle HQ for the Battalion, perhaps because it had one of the very few telephones in the village.

‘The Sportsmans’ was a tied house originally owned by Wheelers Brewery.